Flow Communications

Technology is advancing at an ever-faster pace, it seems. The “next big thing” is always on the horizon, followed rapidly by the next next big thing. It’s hard to keep track of all the upcoming technology trends for the next year, but here are a few that most interest us, because of the impact they could have in the communications field – one we care a great deal about.

Big data gets bigger

The value of datasets became apparent this year, and as more and more people connect more and more devices to the Internet, there will continue to be a greater need to capture and process the large quantities of information that users are generating. This is big data, and it helps us better understand user experience (UX), empowers users to make important behavioural choices, and enriches our ability to tell stories.

But this data does not just come from mobile devices and computers – more household appliances are becoming Internet-enabled, creating what is called the Internet of Things. Soon, your fridge will know when you’ve run out of milk, and automatically place a delivery order for more. Wearables (like the Apple Smartwatch and the Samsung Gear) will be able to track where you are and how much exercise you’ve been doing. Imagine what companies could do with that level of insight into their customers’ lives?

It is both a scary and fascinating thought.

Big Data Cartoon
Image courtesy of DataFloq

More one-on-one time

The era of broadcasting one generic advertising message to a mass audience in the hopes that it resonates with a few is over. With billions of people directly reachable via mobile phones, and on-demand entertainment systems like YouTube and Netflix generating taste profiles of everything we like and dislike, we’ll see a lot more “relationship marketing” happening. That is, long-term, targeted and relevant marketing aimed at creating loyal brand ambassadors who are already potential converts to your product.

We now have the data to see who responds in what way to marketing messages – whether it’s somebody tweeting about their new purchase or skipping a pre-roll advert on a video – and those ahead of the curve will use this information to create more meaningful and relevant marketing content. We hope.

Customer Data Joke
Image courtesy of DataFloq

Virtual reality’s a reality

2016 will be the year that puts the “reality” into virtual reality. It will be hailed by the arrival of the Oculus Rift headset, which will be as revolutionary as the first PlayStation. But its uses will go beyond gaming: it will change the face of marketing content; it will have practical, psychological and medical benefits; and it will influence the way we communicate with each other (virtual Skyping, anyone?).

Check out our recent blogpost to learn more about this new technology.

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Image courtesy of ITworld/ Phil Johnson

The crowdfunding space gets crowded

Crowdfunding is not a new concept (the Statue of Liberty was the result of a crowdfunding project by Joseph Pulitzer in the 1880s), but it has exploded in popularity over recent years. What started as a way for communities of artists or inventors to help fund each other’s projects has become a popular way of getting one’s product or service straight to market as quickly as possible.

With millions of people online, the potential to find those interested in your product, and willing to chip in a dollar or two to see it come to light, has made crowdfunding a worthwhile endeavour. In the United States, a recent law change means that start-up companies can now raise larger amounts of money online by selling portions of their company to anyone with the cash and interest to invest – this is equity crowdfunding. As e-commerce as a whole expands across the Web, expect to see crowdfunding as an ever-growing part of that picture.

Crowdfund Comic
Image courtesy of Attention Group

Here’s to 2016

Whether or not these trends become the new norm in 2016, or are instantly replaced by something new and more innovative, one thing is for sure: it is an exciting time to be working in the field of digital communications. We look forward to leading our clients through this ever-changing landscape in the new year.

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