Flow Communications

When the Collaborative Africa Budget Reform Initiative (CABRI) was looking for a communications partner to advise on its brand, writing, public relations and online presence, Flow Communications presented the perfect fit.

CABRI is a membership organisation that supports a peer network of senior budget officials across Africa. Its main focus area is the promotion of efficient and effective management of public finances, which fosters economic growth and enhances service delivery for the improvement of living standards of African people. It hosts regular dialogues with its members, and facilitates dialogue and peer learning between finance ministries within the CABRI membership network.

CABRI has been working across the African continent for the past 11 years in countries such as Ghana, Tanzania, Seychelles, Egypt, Morocco, Mozambique and Lesotho. It has its origins in South Africa, having first come to life in this country’s Finance Ministry.

Neha Patel-Manga, Aarti Shah and Neil Cole of CABRI. Photo by FlowComms

Flow’s interaction with CABRI began with a communications workshop and an audit of the CABRI brand. We then proceeded to make recommendations for the organisation’s communications strategy (including a social media strategy), as well as its visual identity. The CABRI team has also been trained on how to deal with the media in an intensive half-day training session.

Flow is currently busy with the development of a new CABRI online knowledge hub. This multi-language website – in English, French and Portuguese – will provide information to CABRI’s many stakeholders and act as the primary resource supply point for its many members.

Says CABRI executive secretary Neil Cole, "CABRI is a peer-learning network of senior budget managers from across Africa. We are a uniquely placed platform for budget practitioners to engage in knowledge exchange and learning. We stand for innovative and locally appropriate approaches to solving budgeting challenges in African countries, and are a recognised voice on public finance management in Africa.

"The work we do is so important, but public finance management can be quite an abstract concept. The team at Flow immediately grasped this and taught us ways to make our work more known, by enhancing our communication and social media presence. As a next step in our collaboration, we are looking forward to the launch of the CABRI online knowledge hub!"

The Flow team working on this project was carefully selected in order to deliver on a very specific technical brief. The new site will be easy to navigate and users will be able to find information easily. This is made possible through clever indexing and categorisation of content, and downloadable resources.

Flow is proud to work with CABRI, a truly African organisation that has its roots in South Africa.

“CABRI is one of those behind-the-scenes organisations whose influence for good far exceeds its public profile. We’re really proud to be playing our part in bringing the CABRI name to the fore, and helping to create a better life for all Africans,” says Flow MD Tiffany Turkington-Palmer.

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