A good digital experience requires a solid, functional user experience (UX) and a delightful user interface (UI). At Flow, we’re here to help you have both.
Your website or app is how many customers will first experience your brand, so getting it right is critical, and Flow is here to assist you in making sure that experience is pleasant and compelling for any user.

You can think of UX and UI like this – UX is the architecture of a website or web application (app), while UI is the amalgamation of all the extras that make the experience of using the app or website a pleasure.
Flow has used its UX and UI talents to design several award-winning websites, such as a new website for Heartlines – the Centre for Values Promotion, which took bronze in the Best Corporate Website category in the 2021 New Generation Social & Digital Media Awards, and the City Sightseeing e-commerce website, with its specialised ticketing abilities, that won gold in the 2016 New Generation Social & Digital Media Awards.
At Flow we keep up to date on research about how people use websites and what elements make their experience of using a website better. This requires problem-solving, empathy and creativity, and looks at the sequence of actions users go through as they interact with your website or app, the thoughts and feelings these actions spark, and the impressions they take away from the interaction as a whole.

You need a strong UX framework, so that users enjoy using your website or app and come back for more; and you need a UI that visually displays your company’s values, vision and mission from the moment that they visit.