Flow recently developed an intranet system for the Table Mountain Aerial Cableway. The cableway is one of our favourite clients. We also designed, developed and maintain their website and blog, and assist them with social networking and online reputation management.

“The objective of the system was to improve real-time operational status information for external and internal customers across various platforms, including the company website, SMS service facility, Facebook and Twitter accounts, and the internal computer network,” says Leanne Pohlmann, project manager at Flow.
“They log the operating status of the cableway, which includes weather updates, into one central system. This then automatically updates the other platforms and in this way keeps their staff, visitors and tour operators up-to-date throughout the day and week.
Says Flow web developer Vaughan Webber, who also worked on the project: “The programming I did for this was really interesting and a nice challenge. I was keen to see the end product. I’ve always liked seeing server-side scripting come to life. It was also nice developing for a platform where the latest technologies were supported.
“I think the product turned out really well, and the client received a really solid and innovative solution.”