Digital advertising is a term that encompasses all the things you do online to build your brand. It’s important for any business looking to succeed in today’s world, and it can be broken down into three main types: search engine optimisation (SEO), social media and paid advertising. Here’s a look at each type of digital marketing strategy so you know what it is and how it works!
SEO is the very foundation of your digital advertising strategy because it’s how people find you online and, more importantly, where they land on your website! If someone searches for “How to research stocks”, the first result might be Forbes magazine. Then if that person navigates to, they will see a list of articles that might include “best stock analysts”.
SEO also includes the process of making your website content more findable by using keywords and phrases to describe what you do. The better optimised your site is for search engines, the higher it will rank in Google’s results pages!

(Image: Unsplash)
Social media
The term “social media” is a catch-all phrase that includes many online platforms. Blogs, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are all considered social media platforms because they allow you to interact and share content with followers or friends in real time.
It’s important for digital advertising, because each platform provides a different way for people to interact with your business. For example, Facebook allows you to engage in conversations about your products and services by asking questions or inviting customers to comment on posts, while Instagram provides a quick way for people to share visual content.
The best part is, you only need one social media platform in order to connect with your whole audience. However, if you want to reach a specific group of people, then it’s best practice to set up accounts on each platform and post the same content.

Paid advertising
It’s important to include paid advertising in your digital advertising strategy for a number of reasons. Firstly, it allows you to target specific demographics, such as age ranges and/or geographic locations. Secondly, it can give you the opportunity to be seen by people who are not already following your company’s social media accounts or visiting your website regularly. Thirdly, it can help you shift your digital marketing messages from just pushing products to also engaging with customers and driving conversions.

Why is digital advertising important?
Digital advertising can help build customer relationships and increase sales by engaging with your customers. For example, with a customer’s permission, you can send them targeted ads that show products they’ve already viewed so they won’t forget about them, or you can remind them of something new that is available.
It also helps create positive brand awareness by increasing the frequency with which people see your company name or logo, which makes it more likely for them to recognise it when they are out shopping and want to make a purchase.
Another way that digital advertising can help is by making the customer experience more enjoyable with interactive ads, which provide an entertaining or educational message rather than just marketing one product.